Historie des Lehrstuhls
Founding of the Technical Faculty of Shipbuilding at the University of Rostock, thus the first university in Germany to expand its profile with a technical faculty
Renaming to the Faculty of Naval Architecture, expansion of naval architecture education to include the specialties of naval mechanical engineering and naval electrical engineering.
- Institute for Statics and Dynamics (Prof. W.Biermann)
- Institute for Strength of Materials (Prof. H. Motzfeld)
Founding of the "Applied Mechanics" department, which, with a modified profile, is still a field of study today.
Renaming to "Technical Faculty"
III. Higher education reform, dissolution of institutes and renaming as science departments.
- Science area mechanics of solid bodies (Prof. Postl, Prof. Motzfeld, Prof. Stephan, Prof. Reißmann)
Reestablishment of the Faculty of Engineering and division into departments and institutes
New foundation of the Faculty of Engineering with the departments of Mechanical and Marine Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Computer Science, Civil Engineering
- Institute for Engineering Mechanics (Prof. U. Röhr, Prof. G. Schlottmann, Prof. C. Reißmann)
Foundation of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Technology with division into chairs
- Chair Structural Mechanics (Prof. U. Röhr)
- Chair of Engineering Mechanics/Machine Dynamics (Prof. G. Schlottmann)
New professorship for structural mechanics as of September 2008.
- Chair Structural Mechanics (Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. M.Sander)